How to wash baby clothes?

We have the basket ready, your first clothes and everything you need for the newborn in the drawers. But, Have you ever considered how to wash the baby's clothes? Because the time comes when the reality of laundry is imposed and yes: it must be done. We are not silent for the baby, clothes accumulate and there are certain tips that we must take into account to wash your clothes.

If we take certain precautions it is because the skin of the baby is very delicate, and more so that of the newborn, so that any aggressive product that comes into contact with the dermis can cause an allergic reaction or irritations.

That is why the clothes that are in contact with the baby's skin need special care in the first months, and should not be put in the washing machine with the rest of the family's clothes, but in a separate laundry, at least until six months.

If we need to put a washing machine with few clothes and we have no option of half load or reduced load, we can mix it with other clothes (better if we use a hair net so that your clothes are together) but following the same advice.

In Babies and more, why not wash your baby's clothes with fabric softener?
  • Wash clothes before releasing. During the manufacturing process of the garments (as well as the bedding) they are impregnated with my products, chemicals, dyes ... and there may be residues when they have been sold. Clothes can also accumulate dust and other agents in storage, in shops ... It is not convenient for these remains to touch the baby's skin, so it is better to wash the clothes before putting them on.

  • Use specific, neutral soap. Some detergents incorporate bleach, bleach, softened and various additives. That is why we have to find neutral or specific baby detergents, dermatologically tested, to wash the baby's clothes. In this way, we avoid aggressive products with children's skin. When after six months we put together the clothes of the whole family, we can go to the usual detergents.

  • Wash without fabric softener. We have already explained that it is not recommended to wash the baby's clothes with softener because as this product is incorporated after rinsing, there may be remains in the clothes (in fact, that softened smell that remains in the laundry is because it has not been removed from the all). These products can cause allergies or irritation in the baby's dermis.

  • Do not use bleach or stain remover, which are aggressive products with clothing and skin. For difficult stains, it is better to rub with hot water and neutral soap before entering the washing machine.

  • A good rinse. It is clear that the most comfortable and practical option is that of the washing machine (and let's not say if there are more children at home), but there are those who decide to hand wash the baby's clothes. In this case, we must follow the same recommendations above and, in addition, insist on a good rinse of the garments so that there are no remaining detergent.

If you have run out of specific detergent or for any reason you are going to mix everyone's clothes, check if your washing machine has the double rinse function to better remove the remains of the cleaning product.

Remember that these tips for washing baby clothes They also apply to sheets, lullabies, stuffed animals ... and everything that will be in contact with the skin of the little ones.