A mother shares (and defends) her decision to breastfeed and have sex at the same time

Breastfeeding is an act of love between mom and baby, which currently still struggles to be seen as normal among society. We believe that breastfeeding is something that should be freely done in public, as we have seen in various campaigns and more recently when an Australian senator filed a motion in Parliament while breastfeeding her baby.

In theory, breastfeeding is compatible with any activity: work, study, go for a walk, eat, walk, watch a movie, read a book and many more. It is a natural act. But why is it valid to do it in any situation? A mother has set the nets on fire by stating that she enjoyed breastfeeding her baby and having sex at the same time.

Your testimony

Tasha Maile is a youtuber mom from the United States who usually talks about breastfeeding, veganism and spiritual life on her YouTube channel. Two years ago he published a video where he answered a question that his followers had supposedly asked him: Is it okay to breastfeed while having sex?

She starts talking in her video about sex, how it is something very spiritual and should not be seen as a taboo because nothing (she, her children, we) would exist without him. Basically it says that we should enjoy it and that it has nothing wrong, so far everything normal, it is something pleasant for the couple and should not be seen as something bad or forbidden.

In fact, in the video, rather than talk about breastfeeding and sex, it talks mainly about how we should be freer when exercising our sexuality and living it without it being taboo. The breastfeeding comments almost at the end of the video and very briefly and quickly.

At that point she explains that she currently has no sex because she is totally focused on her children. However, he mentions that when he was with his children's father, now his ex-partner, it was normal to have sex while the baby was lying under her breastfeeding. For her there is nothing wrong with having sex and her argument was that we should enjoy ourselves and our fantasies.

If you are wondering why a video from two years ago is now news, it is because you were recently interviewed on this topic for the This Morning program:

There the presenters ask him about that first video and ask him to repeat the answer to the question he was asked about breastfeeding and having sex. She replies that the baby was asleep while breastfeeding and very attached to her. He also says that we must be adults and talk about sexuality as something normal since it is something that we all like, and that when we were asleep the baby did not even realize it, so it was good.

She adds that she was not surprised that people reacted negatively or accused her of including a child in a sexual act because they probably only read the video title without seeing its content. In an attempt to make him see that she was probably not always attached to her baby, the hostess asked her if she also took a baby's breast when she showered, to which Tasha replied that she bathes with him, so it was something that He did on some occasions.

Then the presenter asked her directly if there was a time when she didn't have her baby attached to her. Tasha replied that even if her baby was awake and not asleep he would be fine and not sitting watching her and judging her for having sex.

Because Tasha commented that when the baby was two or three months old, he didn't realize anything, They asked him if there was an age when he considered it inappropriate to have relationships in front of or with his children. She replies that you can't say if it's right or wrong, but start by saying "if you feel comfortable having sex in front of your children ... "and leaves the end of the sentence on the air, to return to say that in his video he speaks only of when the baby is asleep and has never talked about having relations with his older children in his videos, although he comments that he has never done so .

You are accused of child sexual abuse

The interview article was shared on the Parents' Facebook page and most of the comments accuse her of committing child sexual abuse. Even in one of the comments with more 'likes' they share an image that lists what is considered as such and is highlighted "encourage a child to listen or watch sexual acts".

The comments accuse her of perversion due to the fact that by breastfeeding her son and having sexual intercourse, she was somewhat stimulated by breastfeeding her son. Many ask if it was not possible to wait a few minutes for his son to release him and then he could have a moment of intimacy with his partner.

Sex and breastfeeding: natural acts

I think we can all agree that both sex and breastfeeding are natural acts. One is about the bond between the couple, while the other is the link between a mother and her baby. But does that mean they should go together? In my opinion, of course not. Personally it is something I never did or would not do.

As we know, sex after childbirth is something that changes radically and getting intimate again costs work for most women. Between hormones and physical changes in our figure, it is often something we don't even think about.

Even in a previous article about sexual intercourse during breastfeeding we have talked about how the sucking of the baby stimulates the production of prolactin, a hormone that is involved in the production of milk, a mechanism that slows the secretion of estrogens causing, in the majority of the cases, a decrease in libido.

Many people went out to Tasha's defense, arguing that it is similar to having sex when we practice the pigtail or the baby sleeps in the same room. But come on, what It is not the same to have the baby asleep at 2 meters than to have him on top while sucking your chest.

Sure there will be times when sexual desire is very strong, but for everything there is a time and a place, as Armando showed us when he talked about the places where we can have relationships if we go to bed with the baby.

Another point that I consider important to mention here is that if breastfeeding is attacked or censored in public it is because it is seen as something sexual when it has nothing. It does not fit in my mind that if she intends to normalize it, involve her in a sexual act, just the opposite of what is intended to be achieved with all campaigns to promote it in public places.