A train tears a baby carriage to alert parents to the danger on the platforms

A baby carriage glides down the platform directly to a freight train that is approaching at full speed. We get the creeps to see the scene and nobody can help it. A baby could go in the cart, but fortunately there wasn't. The baby was in his mother's arms and the video is a campaign promoted by the UK Road Safety Board to alert parents to the danger on the platforms.

It happened on the platform of the Nuneaton station in Warwickshire, United Kingdom, where we see only one mother, a cart and a baby. A simple lack of seconds can make this terrible scene become a real tragedy.

No one could avoid it and the stroller ended up being run over by the train. It ended up shattered, as well as all the things in it. Fortunately, no one was injured, but it could have been a fatal accident.

An avoidable tragedy if you don't leave the cart unattended or put the brake on it, or better, both.

"The best way to keep you, your children and your belongings safe is to always keep the carts with your hands and, if possible, apply the brake. Nuneaton's video shows us how important it is to have them under control," said a spokesperson for the entity.

The warning is not only for parents, but also for the general public. The agency calls everyone to lend a hand to avoid such accidents on the platforms. Between 2015 and 2016 they have registered more than fifteen hundred incidents on the platforms, and calls for everyone to remain attentive to themselves and others to help if necessary.

Three real cases

This is an impact awareness campaign in which, fortunately, no one was injured, but unfortunately there have been real cases, some with the worst of outcomes. Here are some of them:

  • In 2004 a four-month-old baby died at the Empalme metro station, Madrid (line 5) when he fell to the track after the stroller was dragged when a small jacket was hooked between the doors of the convoy.

  • In 2009 In Australia, a cart accidentally falls on train tracks. Miraculously, the six-month-old baby in the cart saved his life. He only suffered scratches and some bruises. But the scare was tremendous.

  • In 2010, also in Australia, a 15-month-old baby was unharmed after a train was about to roll his car after he fell to the tracks at a time of neglect of the grandmother, who took care of the child and his brother.

Video: Galaxy's Edging - This is Only a Test 515 - 82919 (July 2024).