Differentiate the day of the night

If we sleep poorly it negatively affects our health, the more in the health of our baby. Babies sleep, some more and others less, this depends on the characteristics of each one and there is no need to teach them to sleep, since they already know. But if you have to teach them when and how.

Babies need a practice period to adjust their schedules with wakefulness. We must teach differentiate day from night so that you can adjust your schedules.

Our baby must learn to relate the activity we have with the day and sleep with the night and for this association, we can give you some clues that will help you discern day by night. For example, if the baby sleeps during the day with noise and light, later he can associate darkness and silence with night and sleep. It is very good to perform the daily routine of the bath, then dinner and then the cradle so that, associate and relate these activities with the night. Babies do this type of routines very well, cases of childhood insomnia are mostly due to poorly acquired habits.

When the baby is one year old, he should be able to sleep between 11 and 12 hours, if he does not, it is very possible that he has not learned to sleep, because when the baby turns four months, he begins to change his biological rhythm by looking every day more than adults.

Supporting a routine with external elements is highly recommended, feed or dine at the same time, always use the same sites to associate the elements with your mealtime. In the same way it is done with the night's sleep, if after dinner you place it in the crib and talk to it softly or even better, sing a soft lullaby, they are an ideal complement next to the sleepiness caused by having a full belly.

Everyday works very well as long as a schedule that is repetitive and tidy is respected, of course provided there is no cause of force majeure. Breaking this routine for a day, can cause the loss of work we have done for weeks to adapt to day and night.

Video: Earth's Rotation & Revolution: Crash Course Kids (July 2024).