He always says "no"

Around two years, a new stage begins for our son. After hearing the magic word several times from our mouth, it is he who now He always says "no."

This is a very important stage in the growth of the child, through denial he takes the first step towards identifying himself, realizing that he can intervene on events, simply by saying no. In addition, through the continuous "no", he tests his power and how far he can go, discovering the limits of the parents.

How should we proceed? The main thing is to arm yourself with patience and try to set rules that you must know and respect, without becoming strict to the point of preventing their development as an independent being. If he refuses to put on his shoes to go out, to comb his hair, to eat something he has always liked, etc. we must adopt a serene attitude and make him understand, that although he says no, he must do so. We must deal with the situation firmly, never nervously or in a challenge plan. A tactic that can be useful is to divert your attention, in this way you will forget and end up doing what a minute before denied. Although if your opposition does not impede the development of daily activities, it may be positive to let it achieve its purpose sometime.

This stage is over three years, so we must devote all our attention and help you feel autonomous and safe, and aware that there are rules and that freedom itself is not more important than that of others.

Video: He Always Looks At You But Never Says Anything (July 2024).