Feng shui for children

For those who do not know, feng shui is the ancient Chinese art based on the design of spaces to improve the quality of life and achieve harmony at home, at work or in any other place where we develop.

Children also have a special chapter in feng shui philosophy. Since they live the house so much, there are some guidelines to keep in mind for create balanced environments that stimulate them, where they feel safe and happy.

The ideal children's bedroom according to the guidelines of this discipline should be a place that promotes creativity, concentration and initiative, with lots of light, wooden furniture, natural fibers, plants and colors such as yellow, green or blue. More information: The bed: choose it robust, not too narrow and with rounded edges so that children can jump and play safely.

A place to scribble: according to feng shui, the heart of the house is the one where the whole family meets. All family members must be represented in that place; the children can have a cork or a blackboard in that place to scribble at ease and hang their drawings.

Contact with nature: the presence of plants, small animals, a fish tank contributes to an ecological awareness. Earth, water and animals are very important elements in feng shui philosophy.

Safety: uses healthy and natural materials in the child's room. Avoid agglomerates, paints and synthetic varnishes; prefer solid wood, with natural finishes, natural fibers and water paints. Ventilate the room daily to avoid the accumulation of harmful gases.

Lighting: Ideally, the children's room looks east, the direction of the wood element and the growth, and receives plenty of natural light. If not, we can use a bright yellow object to compensate. It is convenient that the children's room has at least two sources of artificial light: a more or less intense general light (avoid dichroic and fluorescent tubes) and soft lighting for the evening hours. Candles or wall sconces with pink tonalized lamps are excellent for creating a calming environment that prepares children for sleep.

Colors: light colors can serve easily excitable children, but in abuse they can be uncreative. Green, blue and yellow for example convey joy and dynamism.

Video: Kid's bedroom Feng Shui design (June 2024).