The memories of Christmas

My best memories of Christmas, and surely those of the majority, are those of my childhood. The tree (in my case a mandarin dressed as a fir tree) full of lights and gifts I will not forget in my life.

Childhood experiences about Christmas They mark us for a lifetime. Children live these dates with great intensity and enthusiasm, and so it should be for good memories to accompany them throughout their lives.

Make them part of the preparations, however small they may be. Although their contribution is minimal, they will feel part of the special climate that is lived in the home. They can decorate the house together, place lights, hang ornaments on the tree or make cookies, anything that makes them feel the magic of the Christmas spirit. These dates are a good opportunity to stop the machine of the routines and the rush and spend more time with the family and the preparations for the Holidays. Let's take the time to choose the gifts conscientiously and share the preparations with our children.

The values ​​that parents transmit to them will be part of their memories forever. Telling your childhood experiences and telling them about the true meaning of Christmas will help shape the tradition of each family. So that tomorrow they don't believe that Christmas is just a matter of receiving gifts.

Video: New Hallmark Movie - Memories of Christmas -- Hallmark Movie 2019 (July 2024).