Spasms of sob or emotional apnea

Occasionally, some parents have attended spasms of sob or emotional apnea. Depending on the child, he cries with such a great force, that even at some point they stop breathing. These spasms affect 5% of the child population between the ages of 6 months and 3 years.

When attending an episode of this nature, a father may become frightened, since the child has bruised lips and eyes remain blank next to convulsive movements. Although they only last a minute at most, you can have a really bad time seeing your child in this situation.

If you even lose consciousness because you have stopped breathing, you have to put the child lying on the bed or the floor, this will make it easier for blood to reach the brain faster and regain consciousness more quickly. From the first year of age, these spasms can even be a child's strategy to get away with it, therefore, maintaining an educational posture despite this crisis, it is most appropriate for the child to see that this type of strategy will not take effect.

When the child ever suffers a sob spasm, it is not necessary to be alarmed, because it does not take any type of severity, does not leave sequels or denote any type of illness, therefore, parents should never get nervous and act in an effective way . After an episode of sob spasms, and after having regained consciousness, wetting his forehead and wrists with a towel helps him fully regain his senses or he can also slap hard in the air to fix his attention on them.

You should never lose your temper and shake the child, as it is dangerous for your brain, and shaking it through the situation you have experienced will only make you very nervous and could even lose consciousness again.

You should try to prevent tantrums that the child may have, since these are linked to the possible spasms of the sob. The possible candidates for sob spasms are usually capricious or spoiled children who, through their cries and tantrums, dominate in some way their parents, children who are very nervous or impatient, and even those who do not sleep properly and also few hours.

Video: Shortness of breath during Pregnancy - Welcome Little Dr. Aditi Bhatia (May 2024).