Postpartum courses are very rewarding

After childbirth, the support of your partner, your family or your friends is very important, they help you recover from the great effort and face the great changes of your life, but nobody like yourself is able to understand what What happened, well someone yes, the women we have given birth.

There are possible psychological wounds that have to do with the puerperium, at this moment it is when you live the moments with your son more intensely and memories like your childhood or your mother come to your head when it helped you to grow. Inside, many emotions, nostalgia, joy, sorrow, etc. are mixed. The truth is that you can feel overwhelmed and not understand very well what is happening to you.

If you add to this your child's needs, it is a great accumulation of feelings that gather around you, for these reasons Postpartum courses are very rewarding. Although not all moms react the same, some are stronger but others, not so much. These courses help a lot on a psychological level, the fact of sharing the experience with other moms who live the same at the same time, makes you feel more confident, more relaxed, since you are not the only mother who passes through this cluster of feelings, especially when it is first time.

The fact of going to one of these weekly meetings in which you leave the routine, encourages and is greatly appreciated. In most cases, the mothers who performed the preparation for childbirth are reunited, which is very happy to see them already with their babies, just like you.

The activities that are taught in a postpartum center help you recover emotionally, physically and many of the questions that may be around in your head regarding breastfeeding, baby care, etc., you can consult them in the postpartum course sessions. You will also massage your baby and do exercises that will make you recover flexibility, improve your circulation and fill you with energy.

Video: Postpartum Doula? What? Why? And How to Become One. (July 2024).