What does breast milk contain?

We all know that breast milk is the best food for our babies. But, What are the components of breast milk? And why is it so beneficial for the newborn?

First, the mother produces colostrum, an aqueous and yellowish substance rich in minerals and vitamins A, E, K and B12. It is very easy to digest and fulfills a laxative action that helps eliminate feces produced in the intestine of the child during pregnancy.

It is composed of leukocytes and antibodies responsible for protecting the baby from possible intestinal and respiratory infections until his immune system develops. A few days after delivery there is a rise in milk itself, a substance low in protein but high in fat and carbohydrates. At the beginning of the shot it is light and at the end it becomes creamy. It is this change in texture that allows the newborn to quench his thirst first and then his appetite.

Nature is very wise. Breast milk has the exact components that the baby needs for its development.

Even according to the World Health Organization (WHO) the child would be well fed with breast milk until two or three years of life, also incorporating other foods.

Video: Why does breast milk provide the best nutrition for babies? (July 2024).