Breast milk allergy

We know perfectly well that breast milk is the ideal and suitable food for babies, since it provides them with both the beneficial nutrients and the necessary antibodies that protect them from possible infections. But as in every rule, there is always the exception.

There are some very exceptional situations where breast milk, instead of benefiting causes problems to the newborn, for example, if the baby has lactose intolerance (milk sugar) because the small intestine does not produce an adequate amount of lactase ( above that is responsible for degrading lactose). This disorder occasionally occurs in newborns or in the general child population, although symptoms of intolerance do not appear before 3 years. Once we heard how a mother was in the waiting room of the gynecologist's office, she told another mother that her son had milk allergy she produced, this left us very perplexed and after looking for the information we understood that it was not allergy to milk, but to the components it presented.

That the baby has a breast milk allergy is not the correct definition, in reality and to be more specific, the allergy is due to the allergens that the mother has ingested in her diet and that sometimes pass into the milk. Sometimes this problem is easy to eliminate, just change the diet of the mother, the products that can transmit these allergens (substances that cause allergic reactions) are usually chocolates, eggs or nuts.

Video: Cows Milk Protein Allergy CMPA symptoms in a baby. Dairy Free Fridays (May 2024).