Lying or vertical delivery?

There are not many women who know different ways of giving birth, in addition to the traditional or lying. And of course, there are many less those who practice them.

But advocates of natural childbirth often recommend other postures and ways of giving birth apart from the lying position, which for many is unnatural.

Another possible position to give birth is the vertical delivery (sitting or squatting), considered by several experts as the most natural way to bring a child into the world. In fact, in ancient times and before the epidural was known it was the most frequent position because it was believed that the posture itself facilitated the expulsion of the baby.

In a lying position, the woman's pelvis flattens, making the delivery more difficult, instead it is believed that in vertical delivery the force of gravity plays a fundamental role facilitating dilation by the weight exerted by the baby on the birth canal , which is also better oriented. Advocates also argue that vertical birth is faster than horizontal delivery.

The defenders of vertical childbirth obviously point it as the most natural and beneficial, although for something it will not be so widespread. Of course it also has its disadvantages.

According to some obstetricians, in that position the doctor has less control over the situation in case of any complications such as fetal distress.

They also believe that the action of the force of gravity is not stronger than the birth contractions that occur naturally in both positions.

Many women are demanding this new way of giving birth, as well as water birth is gaining more and more followers every day.

Deep down I think that choosing the way to give birth is something very personal, which depends on what each woman needs at that time.

Video: Different Baby Positions During Pregnancy (July 2024).