Internet for children, beneficial?

A study by the University of Sheffield, in the United Kingdom, has analyzed the incidence of computers in children. In England, 45% of children under four have used a computer mouse and 27% have had access to a computer at home, both data result in up to 53% of children under 6 are in front of a computer on some occasion and of these, up to 30% have searched for a children's portal on the net.

We have all asked ourselves these questions, what is the advisable age for children to enter the world of computing?there are benefits in the smallest when introduced at an early age in the internet world?

The truth is that there are few studies and many discrepancies, some say that early initiation is not advisable and some believe it is tremendously beneficial. At the moment there are numerous computer programs for young children but without the possibility of internet access, this type of games, help them develop certain skills that will also serve the little one at the time they start in the network world . According to some experts, children's access to the computer keyboard allows them to have a feeling that they influence their environment and provides them with certain mental coordination capabilities, which are tremendously beneficial.

The truth is that until they show studies that are conclusive, the doubt remains, there are experts who have shown studies where you can see that the use of computers in children does not influence an improvement in school grades. On the other hand, companies such as Symantec, provider of the famous Norton Antivirus, also warns that the internet access of children is something dangerous and much more when there is no control.

Each one has his opinion and his arguments, the questions that we enunciated at the beginning are answered by loving positions and it is in our judgment and the knowledge of our son to choose one or the other. We believe that until clear and reliable studies appear they are difficult questions. What we do believe is, that it is much better at certain ages to enhance physical exercise, play, friendship, etc. that does not promote a possible sedentary lifestyle in front of the computer.

Video: How the iPad affects young children, and what we can do about it: Lisa Guernsey at TEDxMidAtlantic (July 2024).