New source of stem cells located in the amniotic fluid

American scientists have managed to discover a new source of stem cells located in the amniotic fluid, these cells have many of the properties that embryonic stem cells have, in fact they have achieved in some initial tests performed with mice, to regenerate certain tissues. This fact suggests the possibility of applying these cells therapeutically, as is done with embryonic stem cells.

For seven years, researchers have been working with amniotic fluid of pregnant women knowing that there were different cells (still immature) that could be used for some therapeutic purpose, but until now it was not clear if they were contained in the amniotic fluid mother cells.

Only 1% of the cells found in the amniotic fluid are of this type, enough that has served the team of researchers to create bones, fat, nerves, etc. As we have said before the tests have been performed with mice obtaining great success. We will have to wait for more tests to be carried out that certify the viability and effectiveness of the therapeutic applications that are based on this new source of stem cells.

At the moment the discovery seems to have been accepted willingly by different organizations that initially were against the use of embryonic stem cells and welcome the possibility of using the new cells. It is not the same to destroy or damage an embryo to obtain the precious cells that collect those that are floating in the amniotic fluid, in addition, they are much easier to collect without any added risk.

The steps of science are aimed at improving the quality of human life with the consensus of the entire population, without a doubt it is a great discovery.

Video: Stem cells from human amniotic fluid to boost the growth of robust, functional blood vessels (July 2024).