The reality of pregnancy and childbirth in other countries

Sometimes we get into our problems and forget to turn our heads to look at the problems of others.

Beyond religious issues, which some may share and others not, it is very interesting what is expressed in a letter to the director of the electronic newspaper Hispanidad, which compares the reality that women live in some disadvantaged countries like Peru with the situation in the developed countries.

A part of the letter asks:

"We have personal and technical preparation to save lives and, nevertheless, it seems that in rich countries we have lost that love for life that people with difficulties do have to meet their most basic needs. How many children with 22 weeks of gestation aborted rich countries a day? How many children with premature birth die a day in underdeveloped countries for not having adequate means to care? How many mothers in developing countries see their newborn children die? How many of these mothers die during pregnancy, childbirth or already in postpartum recovery? "

It refers to the terrible situation in the poorest areas of Peru, where many women die every day due to complications in childbirth and postpartum. And let's not talk about other regions of South America or some countries in Africa.

I just wanted to make a parenthesis to call for reflection. I believe that the gift of motherhood is a right to which all women in the world have the right to access in decent conditions.

Video: Giving birth costs a lot. Hospitals won't tell you how much. (June 2024).