Special oral health unit for disabled children of Aragon

It seems that it is fashionable to talk about free programs of child and adolescent oral health, many regional governments have been offering these services to the young population for some time, but with the news of the central government it seems that everyone wants to give more. We already talked about it a few weeks ago from the Canary Islands, we also had news from the Valencian Community and now from Aragon, we talked about its program a few months ago.

The Aragonese Government will give a special oral health service for children aged 6 to 17 who have a disability, these guys often need a personalized and special treatment.

They have enabled a unit at the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Zaragoza where children who need it will be treated, they estimate that this year they will be between 40 and 50 children. In this same space they will also receive children who did not join the oral health program when they turned six. It seems that of the children who receive the letter from the Government when they turn six to go to reviews and possible free treatments, only 45% are visited. In this case, the parents show that it is not the money that prevents them from taking their children to the dentist, or that they believe that they do not need this type of attention ... hopefully it is the best thought, that they take them to private consultations .

At the moment, this new unit for disabled children, has an orthopedist and a nurse, will make visits once a week by appointment, and will be expanded according to demand. Children who, due to their pathology, need general anesthesia to receive their treatment, will be transferred to the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona).

Well, an admirable service, right?

Video: Royal Drama! How Historically Accurate is Mary Queen of Scots? CC (July 2024).