Intercentros Project, to promote coexistence and tolerance among children

Through the East of Madrid page we have met an interesting initiative that aims to foster coexistence and sociability among the little ones, it is the so-called Intercentros Project. It is important and very necessary to promote among the smallest values ​​such as understanding, acceptance, tolerance, respect ... everything that favors human relations between individuals of different races, and this program aims to fulfill this objective. Up to 3,600 children between the ages of 3 and 12 from seven schools in the town of San Fernando de Henares, will participate in a large number of activities, all of them recreational and educational, such as the celebration of the Day of the Peace, driver education classes, solidarity Olympics and all kinds of parties and theatrical performances where all children participate equally.

Various associations of mothers and fathers of students and 240 teachers will be responsible for capturing the Intercentros Project in reality. News of this nature shows that with cooperation and desire to work, projects capable of educating children in a world of tolerance, harmony and coexistence can be carried out.

It would be very interesting if these types of initiatives were seconded by the schools of all Spanish communities, some communities have already been developing it for some time. Working these values ​​to establish them in children will allow to build a better future.

Video: Josquin des Prez (July 2024).