Will our children receive fewer gifts this Christmas?

The news does not stop alerting us to the increase in food prices, the basic products, derived from cereals and the animals that feed on these cereals, have raised the price of the shopping cart considerably, to which we must Add the abuses that businesses practice at Christmas. Everything is more expensive and much more products that in theory are consumed by those dates. Many times we have said that Christmas double pay is enjoyed by merchants and their families.

This may cause the money allocated to gifts has to be reduced, according to Deloitte's study on Christmas consumption habits in Europe, a decrease in the gift budget of 26.2% is projected, while the shopping basket, compared to last year will mean 71, 5% more expensive. Of the € 951 that they calculate will be the average expenditure in each household this Christmas, € 383 will go to the purchase of gifts (last year were € 519), and € 374 for the purchase of food (€ 218 last Christmas) , these expenses are added leisure, € 194 on average.

Households will have to choose to offer succulent meals or great gifts for children. Everything is acceptable, but it is advisable not to allow consumers to abuse, buy with a head.


Video: FAQ: How to transition to fewer Christmas gifts with kids (July 2024).