Software to detect Down syndrome in the first trimester of pregnancy

Thanks to a new software developed by a group of gynecologists from Girona, now it is possible to detect the possibility of the future baby suffering from Down syndrome within the first three months of pregnancy.

The software is not yet 100% reliable, although it reaches a high degree of reliability reaching 90%, those responsible for its development, doctors Josep Sabria, Joan Sabria i Bach and Concepció Bach, have worked more than 10 years to obtain This new tool that, unlike conventional ones, is a system that does not present any risk and more because it is not invasive. The new computer program is called SsdwLab5 and in addition to being able to detect Down syndrome, it detects Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome. The operation of the software is based on a statistical mathematical model that takes as reference data from various fields. Without a doubt, it can be an effective tool and without any intention of detracting from the achievement obtained, we must say that the fact that it takes statistical, visual variables and the margin of error that, although minimal, exists, makes it difficult to trust as with other tests that touch 100% effectiveness.

Perhaps in a short period of time the experts will finally be able to develop 100% effective software, that will be truly important news.