700 pediatricians missing

We have already talked several times about the situation so worrying that is happening in Spain with the lack of pediatricians The number is increasing more and more. Medical societies rate the situation as already "very serious"

According to Juan Ruiz Canela, president of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics in Primary Care (AEPap) and Jose Luis Bonal, president of the Spanish Society of Outpatient Pediatrics and Primary Care (SEPEAP) in our country the deficit of doctors specialized in pediatrics reaches the figure of 700 specialists

Apparently, it is in the large cities and in the areas where the vast majority of immigrants reside where this situation is accentuated. There are unacceptable circumstances, such as consultations of crowded health centers, in which each doctor can reach 60 children in one morning, when the ideal would be to attend between 25 and 30 patients daily. The time and quality of care is significantly reduced, because the doctor "does not supply". The reasons for this happening are several. The most important would be the bad planning that has existed, since this has been happening for years and no action has been taken. This is aggravated by circumstances such as the escape of pediatricians to the private system, fleeing the massification of primary care centers. It is the whiting that bites its tail.

It is also quite common today that these doctors go to work in European countries where the salary doubles or triples the Spanish and the situation is more stable. Portugal or Italy are a good example of this.

It is important to emphasize that the pediatric profession is mostly comprised of women, so it would be necessary to adopt measures so that they could reconcile work and family life, which would help these women stay in Primary Care. More effective proposals are needed and begin to be carried out to begin to alleviate this situation.

Via | The world In Babies and more | Pediatricians are missing in Spain

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