Dyslexia as a literacy problem

Not long ago we mentioned the little attention that dyslexia receives in many countries, which led to deficiencies in the treatment of this problem that needs to be detected as soon as possible. We will return to this topic, but first we stop at the definition of dyslexia.

Speech therapist Maribel Martín explains the keys to this dysfunction, noting that dyslexia is a neuronal disorder in reading and writing which hinders the ability to learn to read and write in different degrees. This problem of neuronal origin is congenital, so in many cases it is transmitted from parents to children.

But it is important to note that it does not entail mental retardation or lack of socio-educational environment. In fact, dyslexics often have a high IQ.

The problem is that dyslexics have difficulties in distinguishing and memorizing letters or groups of letters, the rhythm and order of their placement to form the words, which implies a bad structuring of the sentences. What for any other is clearly a "b", for dyslexics it can be a "p" or a "d".

In addition, the difficulty can be aggravated because many times the introspective nature of the dyslexic boy or girl makes them obviate or "hide" their problem, because for them that difficulty is a "failure" normal in them.

Much of the academic difficultiesWhen dyslexia has not been detected, they come from the fact that they do not understand what they read, get bored, stop paying attention and in the end in the classroom it may seem like a behavior problem which is a learning problem. Many "lazy" or undisciplined students can be dyslexic.

Hence the importance of early detection of dyslexia, to prevent these difficulties from degenerating and being treated as soon as possible to minimize damage to the acquisition of reading and writing and the contents of the different subjects below. "Accommodation" and overcoming dyslexia is possible (not the cure) through appropriate activities and monitoring the evolution of the problem.

Success, even worldwide recognition can reach a person with dyslexia. As we have said, the disorder is not at odds with intelligence or creativity. The list of celebrities that have been and are dyslexic is long: from the popular Boris Izaguirre to Winston Churchill, the painter Pablo Picasso, Bill Gates ... Even from a genius like Albert Einstein his professors said he was mentally slow, unsociable and constantly wandering.

Although also, hidden, there will be the story of many failures. But it is never too late to detect dyslexia.

Video: Helping Kids With Dyslexia (July 2024).