Tell us your story: the arrival of my precious eyes

In "Tell us your story" readers open their hearts and share with us all the experiences related to their maternity or paternity.

And these experiences sometimes have their lights and their shadows, as is the case of Maria who had to face a pregnancy and parenting alone but has been able to get ahead.

If you want to narrate your experience in first person, in Babies and more we will be happy to publish it. Send us your story to [email protected].

Hello, my name is Maria and my story begins when I find out that I am pregnant and give the news to my baby's father, and receive as a first support from him an abortion proposal, where I already had a month and 5 days of gestation, and presenting stronger and stronger contractions for each movement he made.
As you can read, it is logical that I did not accept such folly, but in spite of my fear I said: "no thanks", and so I began to increasingly disappoint myself of the person who was to be the father of my baby. I had to deal with the discomforts of pregnancy such as nausea and vomiting from any smell, or even a cooking program produced the same effect, along with the sadness that caused me to know that I was wrong to give my baby as a father A person who said he loved her, but really the only thing that interested her was the woman and not the baby. So I lived the first four months of my pregnancy wrapped in fear of losing my baby due to premature contractions. And although I was resting in bed, the pains did not diminish as quickly as I wanted. I was crying almost every day and that added to him that my family knew nothing more than pressuring me to accept the dad, despite the fact that he did not take care of the situation, but that he left the whole burden on my mother: diet (now I also had colon problems and malnutrition due to vomiting, and I couldn't eat everything) and transportation for consultations, in addition to emergency trips. I was not working due to the initial complications. I was tortured by the idea that my baby had a problem due to my emotional states. So you can imagine how I attended the third ultrasound when I was three months old and asked the doctor how my baby's heart was, and how I calmed down when she confirmed that she was normal. And God, they have no idea of ​​the joy that invaded me when I could observe it for the first time. That little thing so small that it was growing inside me, despite the emotional earthquake that I was going through and it was fine. When at five months I could see it already complete and find out that my little girl was coming, my joy had no limits. My emotional states thanks to this news began to decrease. Finally I was able to live my pregnancy with longing, joy and expectation of what that little person my God was going to lend me for as long as he wanted for me to fill her with all the love that can be given to a baby. On January 2, I went to control and told the doctor that since December 31 I was feeling uncomfortable with a low weight and tiny contractions. He checked me to confirm that my little girl was certainly in position but was still missing. From the consultation I went to a shopping center on foot that was about 15 streets away, since I took advantage of any reason to walk and thus not have complications during childbirth as I was advised in the prophylactic course. And I tell you that while I am seeing the baby clothes, I feel like urinating and that I was getting wet. In addition to the colic I went to the bathroom: oh surprise, I was stained with blood. I felt cheerful and nervous. Of course, I thought it was time to meet my little girl. I immediately told my mother that thanks to my God she has never abandoned me and she always accompanied me to return to the clinic, so that they would tell me that I was certainly in high school and that from now on it could be at any time. So they returned me to my house. That was when my family was more than ever aware of my expressions, that if I went to bed. Especially that during pregnancy did not give me sleep in the day. I attended a fifteenth birthday on January 5, and danced until my legs cracked. The neighbors commented on how it was that I was dancing if it was already at any moment that it was shining, but I continued until 3 in the morning. Of course, from there began to increase a little more discomfort, and on the 7th I picked up the Christmas decoration during the day with the contractions accompanying me. I relaxed with warm chamomile water baths. My family had not caught her the times she entered the bathroom. I finished and decorated with carnival motifs, since I am a proud canyon, and as they were increasing I went for a walk. I went to bed at 10 at night and at about 12 I started going to the bathroom every 10 minutes. That's when I notified my mom. We arrived at the clinic at 2 in the morning of 8. I was checked and I was at 3, and my sadness when the doctor on duty told me that there was a chance that I would have to have a C-section because my neck was very high and The pelvis was narrow. I thought with all the exercises that I did so that this did not happen, but at about 6 o'clock they put the oxytocin and grab that everything came. For a moment I thought and felt that I would not be able to give birth to my daughter because of the anxiety, but I could. It hurt but I could. And at 10:10 am on January 8, 2008 my little girl arrived with those eyes wide open and when she was placed next to me for the first time when she heard my voice, she has given me the gift of the most beautiful smile they have given me in my lifetime. And I started on my single mom job since her father got to know her 9 days after she was born although my family immediately told her about the alum. And to this day it has not appeared again. My little girl already has 3 months and 24 days and it is my joy. Although I am a little sad since I started working and I spend 10 hours away from it. And thank God they are no more because I have morning and afternoon shifts so I can have a good time with her. She is beautiful, cheerful, talkative, and a good dancer as a Barranquilla who respects herself. He touched me alone without a partner and without a father for my daughter, but they don't know how I thank my God every day for giving me this little piece of meat that cheers me up every morning with a big smile when he hears my voice or when I get home from work and he wakes up immediately he listens to me. And that is how this little girl with big vivacious eyes named Adriana Milena came into my life.

Video: Maleficent's Curse Scene Maleficent (July 2024).