Drinking water can be a danger for very young babies according to specialists

These days I have read a story about the risk that small babies may have if they are given water to drink. According to specialists from the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Center of the city of Baltimore in the United States, Drinking water can increase the risk of young babies suffering from a condition called hyperhydration.

Already in Babies and more, it has been discussed beforehand how important it is to use water for baby bottles with a low sodium content, since babies under 4 months have still very immature kidneys and have difficulty excreting sodium .

According to specialists, when babies are still very young, they have the desire to drink intact and the liquid they need most often is breast milk or the formula is failing.

Some symptoms of what they call hyperhydration are irritability, drowsiness, low body temperature (36 or less), swelling in the face and when hyperhydration is severe, seizures may occur.


In the news, specialists also recommend avoiding the use of very diluted formulas and pediatric drinks with electrolytes.

In very hot climates they recommend if it is necessary to give them only 30 or 60 cubic centimeters of water at a time, but you should always check with your pediatrician first. I perfectly remember that when my son was three months old and we went to visit my in-laws in Maracaibo, where the heat can be really overwhelming, the pediatrician advised me to give him small amounts of water only if he thought it necessary.

If it is suspected that a baby has hyperhydration, it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately.

Video: 6 Things That Happen When You Start Drinking Alkaline Water (July 2024).