20 products to traumatize a baby

More products are sold in the market every day as the great help in the care of babies and children. Some of them are useless, others can help but they can be cruel.

In the Strollerderby blog I have seen a list of 20 products that can traumatize a childOk, it is exaggerated, but it is a way of saying that they are useless, or that they seem like a heavy joke, although each one will think differently and surely we will find some father who will have found the solution in some of them.

Many of them have been reviewed in Babies and more. I have selected two that have seemed the most deranged: The bottles for men who pretend to imitate maternal breasts take the palm:

These shoes we had already reviewed in Babies and more, parents who put these shoes on their baby in my opinion should go directly to jail:

The complete list is in English, but the images speak for themselves.

Video: REACTING TO CHILD BIRTH VIDEO. 4 KIDS REACT not clickbait. SABRE NORRIS & The Norris Nuts (July 2024).