Pregnant of her fourteenth child

The super blond 13 children you see in the photo together with their parents the British family Watson. Interestingly, it is not the first family of 14 children I know, but it is the most colorful.

The mother of 37, who confesses to recover very soon from her births and has a body that many would like after the first, A baby is waiting to join the numerous offspring.

10 girls and 3 boys. The oldest of 19 years and the youngest of 7 months. In the middle, eleven children with an age difference of 2 years, at most.

Actually, it is pregnancy number 15, because her fourth daughter was born prematurely and unfortunately died the day she was born.

One of the aspects that highlights the news about this family is the impressive body of the mother capable of recovering her figure 5 days after delivery. Of course, it seems to have no problems of postpartum kilos impossible to lose like most moms, but that is not important.

Undoubtedly, the image is adorable, they are very lucky to have 13 healthy and beautiful children, but to the normal parents that we have one, two or three children we have some obvious questions.

How is it done to support 14 children? How are they organized? Where do you get energy to serve 14 children? (and I talk about comforting them at night, dedicating time to each one, attending to their needs), you can have 14 children, but do you really raise 14 children?

Video: 14 Weeks Pregnant: How Big is Your Baby this Week? (July 2024).