Homemade costume ideas for Carnival

We have given some tips to make masks and masks for carnival costumes and we have also provided some online stores where to buy costumes for kids. There are all prices, including some so cheap that it is not worth making one at home.

However, I think one of the most enriching things for children is that they participate in the creation of their own costume. Those that we buy in a store can be very beautiful, but it is interesting to teach them that one can make an even more valuable suit with their own hands. It seems to me a good value to instill in them while we contribute to stimulate their creativity and imagination.

On the web we can find some sites that offer us good ideas to make costumes for children at home. Some talk about costumes for the elderly, but the same is perfect for children.

Martha Stewart is one of my favorite craft sites. They offer us ideas of very good taste, original and easy to make. We can find costumes as beautiful as the chick that illustrates the post. It looks complicated, but it is not. We only need two white feather boas, some kitchen gloves for the legs, a bathing cap and a crest made with felt. Isn't it great?

At Family Fun, a site of the Disney family, we also find a long list of costumes for children and babies with step-by-step instructions on how to make them. They are in English, but the photos help a lot to get inspired. For the little ones, do not miss the margarita costume that we can do with eva rubber sheets or cardboard sheets.

In the Easy Party blog we can discover some very creative ideas to make costumes of the Roman era like the Roman classic, for which we can manage with a sheet, sandals and a crown, Roman soldier or cupid. They tell us how we can make a king's crown by molding a balloon or how to disguise the little ones of Madagascar's characters. Among many other ideas, we suggest a costume of the west, Indian or monk and some inhabitants of the sea. Do not stop diving in its pages.

In Guiainfantil.com we are encouraged to launch the imagination with six proposals of homemade costumes for kids (Indian, jellyfish, lion, Pipi Longstocking, mummy and ghost).

I give you a very easy and quick idea to make for last-minute costumes. To do a ladybug costume We can dress the boy with red tights and t-shirt and sew black circles. We get a red or black cap or executioner for the head and we make two antennas with two lined wires and telgopor balls at the tips. The same version can be used for other insects like bee, to which we can add a pair of wings, or firefly, the same version but in green and silver.

Finally, let's not forget that face makeup and masks can be practically the costume itself. It is enough to accompany the character characterized with a suitable dress, but it does not necessarily have to be very elaborate.

I hope you areHomemade carnival costumes They are useful for making a suit with little money and a lot of imagination. And above all, have a good time doing them with your children.