Map with the percentages of caesarean sections of Spanish hospitals

The Caesarean section It is the surgical technique performed to extract the fetus from a pregnant woman in case the birth is in danger or a complication arises that makes it necessary.

One of the problems, and the WHO has been echoing this for a long time, is that it is a major surgery intervention that is not without risks and consequences that is carried out in more deliveries than is considered necessary.

In order to know the rates of caesarean sections practiced in hospitals in Spain in a more concrete way, the association “El Parto es Nuestro” has a map of the country with the data thereof.

According to WHO, the number of caesarean sections should not exceed 15% of deliveries and yet, as Lola recently said, in 2005 21.1% of caesarean sections were performed in public hospitals and 34, 9% in private.

With only click On the map of an Autonomous Community we will obtain the data related to the hospitals in that area.

In this way we can verify that the Hospital October 12 of Madrid performed in 2005 a total of 1,302 caesarean sections that represent 21'76% of all deliveries attended or that the General Gregorio Marañón Hospital attended 9,050 deliveries in the same year with a percentage of caesarean sections of 19.78%.

Thanks to Map I have also been able to consult, out of simple curiosity, the data of the hospitals belonging to the Friends of Children Hospitals Initiative, to see the differences with those that are not.

I have looked at three randomly, the Fuenlabrada Hospital which has a percentage of 15.98% (very close to 15% recommended by the WHO), the Denia Hospital in Alicante, with a percentage of 20.10% and the Hospital Comarcal de Jarrio in Coaña (Asturias) with 19.54%.

The figures, a priori, resemble those of the other hospitals already mentioned, although I have been able to see figures like those of the Centro Quirúrgico Reus, S.A. with a (scary) 50.57%.

There are many hospitals whose data is not available, but many others are available and can be a useful tool for future moms who want to know what C-section percentages They are taking place in the hospitals of your city.

Video: Map of Computer Science (July 2024).