Study on exposure to pesticides and risk of abortion in Andalusia

An interesting epidemiological study carried out over 10 years in a dozen areas of Andalusian geography links high levels of pesticides with an increased risk of having a threat of childbirth or abortion.

Likewise, the research records a decrease in risk in those areas where pesticide use is lower.

Our readers who live in Andalusia will be interested to know the classification of the different regions given by the researchers of the study in which the Andalusian Ministry of Health, the universities of Almería, Granada and Jaén, the provincial delegations of Health in Malaga have participated and Almería, and La Inmaculada and Poniente hospitals, in Almería.

In the high exposure regions were the districts: Poniente almeriense, Costa Granada, west coast of Huelva, Axarquía de Málaga and La Rinconada de Sevilla. In the regions of low exposure were selected: Las Lomas de Úbeda (Jaén), Levante Almeria, Almeria center, Valle de los Pedroches (Córdoba) and Jeréz de la Frontera.

When comparing the two groups they found "statistically significant differences in pathologies such as abortions and threats of childbirth", however they found no relevant differences in diseases such as ovarian dysfunction or testicular dysfunction.

The study authors said that more evidence is needed to link pesticides with abortion and the threat of childbirth, but it is an interesting starting point to further deepen how pesticide chemicals affect pregnant women.

Video: Pesticides. Uncharted Medicine (May 2024).