Children better fed at school than at home

The idea that some years ago that “At home you don't eat anywhere”, seems to lose strength today, according to specialists in children's nutrition.

While some child health experts said some time ago that school canteens did not provide balanced menus, things seem to have changed.

Recently, in the XIII Conference on Pediatric Nutrition, they have said that children who eat in school canteens eat better than at home. They consume more fish, vegetables and dairy than those who eat at home.

They say, and I think that rightly so, that it is due in large part to the fact that parents' living habits prevent them from having the necessary time to cook at home, going to less healthy meals than at school, where they have a more balanced diet focused on the variety of foods.

To ensure a balanced diet, school canteens adapt the menu to the needs according to each age, but always consist of a first dish with hydrocarbon components, a second more protein and a dessert that includes fruit.

Thus, since we cannot control what they eat out of the house one hundred percent, at least when they feed at school we are sure that they do it correctly. Of course, the ideal is that the menu of the school and the house complement each other to meet the nutritional needs of the little ones and at the same time prevent the same food groups from repeating and that the children end up getting bored.

Video: 18 Harmful Foods We Keep Giving to Children (July 2024).