Home birth in the Netherlands is as safe as in a hospital

For years in Holland, low-risk pregnancies have been attended by midwives in the homes of midwives. It is a practice so common that it accounts for 30% of the total deliveries.

In 2004 the Department of Public Health of the European Union published that the mortality rate of newborn babies in Holland was 10 per 1,000, double that in Spain.

This triggered alarms and the high rate was attributed to home deliveries. Current medical research shows that Home birth in Holland is as safe as in a hospital. The study was carried out between 2000 and 2006 analyzing the deliveries of more than half a million women whose pregnancy was followed exclusively by a midwife (in Holland, pregnancies considered low risk are controlled only by a specialized midwife without a gynecologist visit to unless there is a problem).

One of the scientists who participated in the research, Simone Buitendijk, remembers that "When it was found that Holland had such a high rate of perinatal death, discussion broke out about whether the possible causes could be at home birth, whose high percentage in Holland is unique in the western world".

"However now it has been proven that this idea was unfair, so that Dutch women can continue to choose a home birth quietly ", says the expert.

In Spain some women have long struggled to be able to give birth at home (and in fact many already do so privately).

Time to time, I am sure that home births funded by social security they will arrive sooner or later.

Natural childbirth in hospitals was something unthinkable 5 years ago and yet most centers in Spain are beginning to follow less interventionist policies (or at least they start thinking about it), so home birth will also come so that each Woman choose what to do. What less ...

Video: Dutch Childbirth Study Finds Home as Safe as Hospital (July 2024).