I am a single mother: web for single moms

At present, there are many families with single mothers in charge of their children. In some cases it is a voluntary choice and in others not so much, but the truth is that they struggle day by day to get their children ahead, an easy task, by the way.

I am a single mother It is a website created by a single mother and also aimed at single mothers in Spain and Latin America with the objective of providing advice on single-parent families headed by women.

You can find the latest news that interests single mothers such as food support and aid, legislation, as well as issues related to child rearing such as how to deal with the absence of the father, childbirth and even practical ideas such as holiday suggestions for mothers single.

I found an excellent website to recommend to all those women who are on the path of motherhood without the company of their partner.

Unfortunately, it is an unattended and often forgotten collective that deserves to be considered the same as any other family model.

Official site | I am a single mother In Babies and more | Single mothers, an aid of interest, Single mothers by choice, Single mothers, a voluntary decision, Foundation of single parent families Isadora Duncan

Video: GIRL CHAT: A Special Shout-Out to Single Moms (July 2024).