Babies highlights and more: from August 31 to September 6

Like every Monday, today we review the most outstanding contents in Babies and more throughout the past week.

September has begun and as you know it is a month that marks the beginning of the school calendar. Therefore, many of our contents have focused on going back to school. We have talked about the recommendation of pediatricians to progressively recover the habits, back and weight of the backpack and have given solutions to label clothes, shoes and uniforms.

We have also learned that this year the return to school brings more expenses to families. This week we will continue talking about going back to school, so do not miss advice.

A topic closely linked to the beginning of classes is that of influenza A. For now, it has been announced that admission to school will not be modified by influenza A and with regard to immunization that will be vaccinated only for children over 6 months with chronic pathologies and that children and pregnant women will be the last to get vaccinated. Finally, for the tranquility of future moms we met the interesting testimony of a pregnant woman who has overcome influenza A.

As for surprising news, we talk about a US marriage that has 18 children and expects another while we have known that the orientation of the stroller influences the language.

We have reflected on a very frequent situation that presents itself with a new pregnancy: when you want to have a boy and he is a girl (or vice versa).

Our recipes for pregnant women are still the most original and tasty: this week we explain step by step how to prepare baked spinach and eggs.

This week we will offer you many more interesting articles. Thanks for following us!

Video: Brock Lesnar assaults Kofi Kingston after The New Day's victory: SmackDown LIVE, Sept. 17, 2019 (July 2024).