More time with the children

I bring you an initiative of great value that a number of leading health professionals have taken: the manifesto “More time with the children“, Which aims to achieve two years of maternity or paternity guaranteed by public authorities.

These doctors and psychologists are going to ask the public authorities for something that should be the priority of all the measures taken in our society: the well-being of children must take precedence over any other consideration.

Given that current studies indicate that it is not beneficial for children to be institutionalized before 3 years of age and that they need permanent contact with their attachment figures, the logic should dictate that legislate protective measures so that children can remain in care direct from their parents during the most decisive years of their upbringing would be the way to ensure that children enjoy the optimal conditions for their growth and education.

Likewise, in the manifesto it is requested that nurseries and nursery schools be for everyone, and that adults who care for children are one for every 3 or 4 babies and one for every 5 or 6 children under two years, which could Assume a minimum guarantee that they can get the attention they really need.

On the page of this initiative you can read the entire manifesto, get more information and join the petition.

The manifesto “More time with the children” It represents, in my opinion, what a society should give to its members, the conciliation, that is the objective, the way to achieve the green welfare of the parents and, above all, of the children, who are the future of all.

Official site | More time with the children

Video: Court forces . Mott Children's Hospital to give family more time to try to save child (July 2024).