Newborn care: the first haircut

There are babies born with little hair and others with a good hair. Being born with a lot or little hair is a matter determined by the genetic inheritance of each baby, and your adult hair will have little to do with these first hairs, both in quantity and color. Parents often ask ourselves when is the best time to cut hair and How is the newborn baby's hair cut?.

Scissors or machine? How long to wait? When do we cut your hair? These are some of the doubts that usually arise to recent parents and that we hope to answer in these lines.

Is it convenient to cut your hair?

The first thing to note is that it is not necessary to cut the baby's hair, in fact much of the newborn's hair will fall out in a few weeks. But the baby may have some areas longer than others, or it may be summer and the hair is hot, or for whatever reason we decide to cut the hair.

Generally it is usually to match the hair, which is usually longer and more abundant in the neck area, forming a kind of "coletilla". Also because sometimes there is a small bald spot where the baby supports the head when it is on its back (although this is not exclusive to newborn babies and can be seen even in some children aged one year or more).

Will your hair grow stronger if you cut it?

So, if we decide to cut the baby's hair for the first time we forget beliefs and myths, as you have to wait for a year or if we do not shave it to zero the hair will weaken. Predating the baby will not cause the hair to get thicker, more abundant and healthy. In short, the reason for cutting a baby's hair is aesthetic or comfort and not health.

Cut your hair at home

It is not necessary to take the baby to a hairdresser, where they will not even have an appropriate place for it, as the baby is not yet incorporated. We just need to have patience and a good pulse. The task of cutting the baby's hair is very simple, although it must be done delicately. Here are a few indications so that cutting the baby's hair has no secrets:

How do we cut the baby's hair?

  • The scissors must be rounded to avoid hurting the little one, and suitable for cutting such thin hair. Scissors worn or that do not fit their leaves well will not be able to hook and cut the baby's hair so thin.
  • You can also use a hair cutting machine ("Motorcycle") trying not to hurry or squeeze on the baby's head that can present folds under pressure. The noise and vibration can scare the baby (although there are others who relax), so we have to do a little test before avoiding scares, and lower the power of the machine as much as possible.
  • If we choose a machine to cut the hair that has cable, we will have to be careful to place the cable so that the baby can not take it by reflex and stretch it, and of course it does not cross us in our “maneuvers” to reach the whole head. It is best to turn off the machine every so often to vary our posture and move and hold the baby's head properly, without the cable interfering.

What is the best time to cut the baby's hair?

  • It is advisable to perform the haircut before the baby's bath, so that the remains of hair are completely removed after bathing.
  • But it can also be after bathing, when the baby is more relaxed.
  • Even when the baby sleeps it is a good time to avoid unexpected movements.

Recommendations for haircut to the newborn

  • We can use a towel to protect the baby's skin and clothes if we are not going to bathe it after the haircut.
  • Must hold the head of the baby firmly to control the movements of the baby.
  • Better not to cut the hair the first few days to prevent the baby from losing body heat at a time when its temperature regulation is not "adjusted."
  • Anyway, if we wear a hat that danger will not exist. But in my opinion the first days, when the baby is quite baffled and alert to everything around him, the task of cutting his hair is secondary.
  • The baby's hair can be trimmed to equalize or completely shaved off, the decision of how to cut the baby's hair is from the parents, there is no medical reason to do it in one way or another, except in the event that the baby contracts any dermatitis or allergy; So yes, the pediatrician will be the one to indicate the best way.

Hopefully with these tips on how to cut the newborn baby's hair they have helped you to perform this task that is not so difficult. You will know that when they grow up, cutting their hair is usually more complicated ...

Video: BABY'S FIRST HAIRCUT - How to cut baby hair (July 2024).