Ovodonation recipients

Ovodonation recipients They have in common the need to receive an egg from another woman in order to be mothers. To reach this point they have gone through a deep process of reflection and have decided to make this decision in order to fulfill their dream of being mothers.

They will carry in their womb and give life to a child who will be their son in an unquestionable way both before the laws and in the heart.

There are actually thousands of women who have loved their children without having fathered them, so in this case there is also no doubt that the feeling will be equally powerful.

The women who become ovodonation recipients They can respond to various types. There are women who have passed youth and who have a low ovarian response and also young girls who have a hidden ovarian failure or early menopause.

Women who have lost their ovaries due to cancer or endometriosis also come to ovodonation. There are those who suffer from a transmissible genetic defect and prevent their child from suffering it this way.

There are also women who have not achieved pregnancy after several in vitro fertilization treatments or numerous abortions, so they are recommended to use other gametes because a genetic problem is suspected.

All of them have in common an intense desire to be mothers and therefore become ovodonation recipients.

In Babies and more | Ovodonation treatment, Ovodonation, fulfills a dream even if it is not yours

Video: Inside Egg Donation (July 2024).