The people of Malaga will be able to give birth freely

One of lime and another of sand. In Malaga, unlike in León, if natural childbirth is respected and even more, there is a commitment on the part of the Ministry of Health and the Costa del Sol Hospital, to achieve in a short time that Malaga women can give birth freely in the position they decide.

This was announced by the Minister of Health in his presentation at the Costa del Sol Hospital. 1.4 million euros will be dedicated this year to ensure the implementation of the Birth and Birth Plan and ensure that childbirth can be a natural experience, making available to women the organizational advances and personnel trained to Orient and accompany them.

It is considered a priority that women can give birth lying, standing, sitting or squatting, as they feel more comfortable, always under the supervision of professionals.

From the Costa del Sol Hospital, which has won the award of UNICEF from Hospital Amigo de los Niños, it has been explained that "each woman has very specific circumstances and needs one or other care and there is no better or worse posture, it simply depends on the characteristics of the pregnant woman", adding that they have a commitment with the recommendations of the World Health Organization to banish the protocol medicalization of births without complications.

I'm glad to be able to give you this great news that will guarantee that more Malaga women will be able to give birth freely and in a safe, modern and respectful way with the nature of birth.

Via | Malaga's opinion