International Earth Day: children will take care of our planet

Today, April 22, International Earth Day is celebrated, a special date to remind us all, and especially the little ones, that caring for the environment is essential. It is our responsibility as parents to train our children in matters of ecology.

Why in Babies and more We bring you information on how to teach children to respect, care and love their environment, for example with varied readings. Like the book "The Earth has leaked" or the story "Plump and lanky" about agriculture and the environment.

We have also talked about resources on the web to learn having fun on our planet, use water responsibly, or read some interesting stories online.

Recently we told you that Pocoyo joined Earth Hour, and we saw how by the hand of one of his favorite characters children could be involved in caring for the environment.

World Water Day served us a few weeks ago to raise awareness that access to drinking water is difficult in many parts of the world and many children die due to it.

If you want to have more ideas to celebrate such a day with your children in a special way, we remind you of these tips for Environment Day that we can perfectly follow on dates like today, and like any other. Close the taps, turn off the lights, spend less paper, go by bike, recycle ... are some of the simple gestures that help preserve the planet with health.

Finally, we invite you to go through the Clan TV website and accompany your children to a simple and very ecological game: recycle with Caillou.

Where does paper, glass or plastics go? International Earth Day is a good date to learn, and if you have small followers of Caillou at home, they will enjoy it more.

Official Site | RTVE In Babies and more | Fluvi and the water cycle, online game, Environmental education begins at home, Book to take care of the environment: "The Earth has leaked", Web for children on the responsible use of water

Video: Earth Day: The Environment and our Planet in a Song for Kids! I Love to Learn with PlayKids (July 2024).