Breeding without scourges: recognize the symptoms of anger

We are making great progress, understanding the futility of scourges and the desire not to lose control using peaceful and empathic resources to breed whipping Children is a first step. Today we will focus on how to recognize the symptoms of anger that can invade us and that is the cause by which we can fall in the whips or screams.

For to learn to control the impulse learned to impose ourselves physically or correcting our children through the scourge is a task that can be complicated, but that will undoubtedly bear fruit that is worthwhile, a happier and more confident childhood for our children.

Recognizing that our parents and ourselves are wrong is a necessary step and decide learn resources to handle conflict situations without our hand escaping or a scream is the second step. Training and information are essential to embark on a much more important task than studies and jobs, educate and care for a person who will learn to live by our hand.

The first step is the most important

The parents who want learn to educate without whipping or screaming They may fear not being able to do it. Let's put ourselves in the worst, that really we are not able to change completely and we will fail in the objective sometimes. It will always be an advance for our children to modify the behavior a little, knowing that if it is possible to change we will reinforce and learn little by little to do better.

Being aware and being determined not to repeat these guidelines with our children is the indispensable first step.

A person who makes a mistake and recognizes it as such has done the most important thing, since without that there is no change possible. Martyring or blaming yourself is no use, but it is useful to decide to improve and not repeat the mistakes.

Recognize the symptoms of anger

A second step is to learn to recognize in ourselves the obvious physical symptoms that we are about to lose control. It is as if something that is inside us, instilled from childhood, would sprout when we are overwhelmed, but its progress is not silent, the outbreak is not immediate, and if we learn to know how to recognize the progress of that rage and lack of control we can stop it in time, before he dominates us and makes us say or do things that we later regret.

Anger triggers automatic physical mechanisms that we can also feel if we get angry with an adult and that, in that case, most of us do know how to control. The point is that we do not feel that inhibition towards the child and lose control by reproducing the behavior that our parents possibly had or have other people in our environment, who justify and forgive towards children what another adult would be grounds for rejection.

But recognizing the physical pattern and being very aware of not wanting to let anger dominate us When the trigger is our son and not any other person, we can do it.

The physical symptoms can be heat, burning in the chest, feeling the blood boil and rage up the throat, almost blind. We can all recognize these feelings and act before the outbreak of physical or verbal violence arrives. Even if it's a scream or a scourge, we can stop it in time if we realize how rage is dominating us.

Looking at these physical manifestations and being very aware of our body we can stop them and use techniques that prevent the outbreak, giving us the opportunity to use other educational strategies other than hitting a cheek or squeak, and above all, giving us the opportunity to calm ourselves before doing anything. With the first physical manifestations is when we must act.


For manage to breed without whipping It is convenient to train and learn everything necessary to become the parents we want to be. Parents are not perfect and we will surely reproduce behaviors we suffer from children without being fully aware of it and even refusing to jump these springs: screams, insults, contempt, threats or blackmail more or less subtle.

We have understood the way in which we can recognize the symptoms of anger to, subsequently, see in the following topics how we can deceive it and not let it dominate us to show us that it is possible to breed without whipping.

Video: Martha Nussbaum, "What Is Anger, and Why Should We Care?" (July 2024).