Miparentela.com, create your family tree

Social networks for families are increasingly successful, it is a way to stay in touch with yours for a long distance that separates us.

Miparentela is one of the most successful social networks for families in Europe and Latin America, which offers the possibility of creating the family tree of your family, working online with other family members or downloading it to your computer.

To enter the web you have to register and once given this data you can start to build the family tree, investigate in the past and learn a little more about the family structure. How far will we be able to go looking back?

Miparentela.com also adds the surname maps to their benefits in the field of genealogy, so that we know everything about the origin and distribution of our surnames.

The website has about one hundred thousand different last names, with their respective maps. The "surname map" data comes from the Municipal Register and has been published by the National Statistics Institute of Spain.

With this we can know the number of people of the same last name in other countries, more frequent surnames or the top 10 of the cities that head the number of people of that same last name.

These are the options of Miparentela.com:

  • Build your family tree with your family
  • Invite your family members to collaborate
  • Genealogy: discover unknown relatives
  • Share photos with your family
  • They remind you of birthdays and other dates
  • You can print the family tree as a poster, in PDF or in the form of listings

As we say, you have to register to be able to benefit from these functions, but it is a free service. Miparentela.com is the social network for families that allows us to create our family tree, a good option to keep in touch with distant relatives and keep track of the roots.

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