Women wake up before men when a baby cries

Today touches the obvious or obvious news of the week (or month). Most babies wake up several times at night and do so starting to complain slightly to start crying if nobody cares for them. The moment he cries, the parents wake up to attend him (although there are those who already attend to the groans), but they do not always do the same or do it at the same time, because Women wake up before men in this situation.

This conclusion has been reached by researchers who have conducted a study to Lemsip Max All Night Cold & Flu Tablets, which is a brand of pills for the cold, in which they have evaluated which stimuli are those who wake up women before and which ones wake up men before.

Thanks to this study we know, not only what was said, that women wake up before the crying of a baby, but in fact crying is the stimulus that most easily awakens women. With regard to men, it seems that what wakes us before is the sound of a car alarm. Here I show you what are the stimuli that wake us before each other:

The most annoying sounds for women are (in order of more or less):

  • Crying of a child
  • Dripping from a tap
  • A party in the street
  • Snoring
  • A fly
  • Pneumatic hammer or operator working
  • The ambulance siren
  • Car alarm
  • Strong wind
  • Pipe noise

The most annoying sounds for men are (from more to less):

  • Car alarm
  • Strong wind
  • A fly
  • Snoring
  • Pipe noise
  • Cricket Song
  • The ambulance siren
  • Clock chimes
  • Pneumatic hammer or operator working
  • Dripping from a tap

As you can see, women always wake up before the crying of a baby, because it is the sound that bothers them the most, while in men there are at least ten classified sounds that annoy them more than the cries of their baby (because they do not appear in the classification!).

Personally I find it hard to believe that the dripping of a tap or the singing of crickets will wake me up before my son's crying, but go to know, there are people for everything.

In any case, I do confirm that when my children cry, my wife attends to them before me. In fact, I confirm that there are times that I don't realize that they woke up crying, and that I sleep next door.

How do you see it? Who wakes up before?

Video: Mom Hears Man Say Wake Up on Baby Monitor. Then Realizes She Never Heard This Voice Before (July 2024).