Therapy is the most effective way to prevent depression during pregnancy and postpartum

Mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety are so common in pregnancy, that one in four women suffer from them. Studies have also revealed that one in five recent mothers conceals suffering from depression or postpartum anxiety.

What can we do to prevent depression from continuing to affect so many mothers in silence? According to new research, there are several measures that can be taken to prevent depression during pregnancy and postpartum, such as exercising, changing food or taking antidepressants, but the best of them is attending therapy.

According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), around the world about 10% of pregnant women and 13% of recent mothers suffer from some mental illness, in most cases, depression. In developing countries these figures increase to 15.6% and 19.8% respectively. In mild to medium cases, affected mothers cannot function properly, and in very severe cases, some mothers end their lives.

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The number of mothers with depression is increasing

In reality, all women they can present and develop some mental illness during pregnancy and the first year after they have become mothersHowever, in addition to hormones, there are certain factors such as poverty, migration, extreme stress, emergency situations, natural disasters, violence or poor social support, which may increase the risk of some specific disorders such as depression.

For some years now, this topic has been discussed more openly, not only because it is important to do so because the number of women who suffer from them continues to increase, showing us that it is more frequent than we imagine, but because it is needed create greater awareness and openness so that those who suffer can receive appropriate support.

Several studies have analyzed the risk factors that lead to depression during or after pregnancy, and the signs or symptoms of postpartum depression have also been widely disseminated, in order for it to be detected on time or early.

However, in terms of prevention, it is not something that is really talked about in depth or in such detail. It is true that we know that there are some reasons that can cause it and of which we must be alert, but little is said about measures that are really effective in preventing it and preventing it from appearing, until this new investigation.

The study: the most effective ways to prevent depression

Published in the JAMA magazine, research conducted by the United States Preventive Services Task Force analyzed the possible methods to prevent depression during and after pregnancy.

Among the recommended methods were physical activity, education, yoga, expressive writing, Omega-3 fatty acids and antidepressants. Some, such as physical activity and certain programs such as one in the United Kingdom in which mothers receive visits from midwives or medical professionals at home, showed a potential to prevent it.

But nevertheless, The method that showed enough scientific evidence to be beneficial was psychological therapy or counseling., making it the most effective way to prevent the onset of depression.

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According to the research, women who received one of two specific forms of therapy had 39% less likely to develop perinatal depression. The first form of therapy consisted of cognitive behavioral therapy, which helped women manage their emotions and expectations, helping them create healthy and supportive environments for their children.

The second form of therapy was interpersonal therapy, which included coping skills or strategies, as well as role-playing exercises, to help manage stress and conflict in relationships.

The researchers concluded that The therapy was most effective in preventing perinatal depression, although they clarify that most of the evidence was limited to women who had a higher risk of presenting it.

Therapy: before and after delivery

Many people upon hearing the word "therapy" or "psychologist" automatically assume that it is something reserved only for people with serious mental disorders or they think they do not need it. But nevertheless, therapy is a form of self-care that suits us all, whether or not we have any mental health condition.

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With this study, we reaffirm that the attention to the mental health of mothers is necessary during the postpartum period and it is clear that this should be started even before. Prepare women psychologically and emotionally for all the changes that will occur in their life and in their body when they become mothers, it certainly seems an excellent way to prevent the onset of depression.

Photos | Pexels
Via | The New York Times

Video: Coping with Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy (July 2024).