Womb Tube: share the result of the pregnancy test on video

A new phenomenon is taking over social networks. It is known as Womb tube and is the trend of share the result of the pregnancy test on video. Let captured in images the moment in which a woman or a couple finds out if they are going to be parents or not.

In some videos you can see the entire process. Previous speech by the woman with detailed explanation of the days of delay, days that have passed since she had sexual intercourse, pee where appropriate, wait for the result and the reaction upon knowing the result of the pregnancy test: negative or positive.

In other, more discreet videos, the previous one is saved and "only" they record the moment of knowing the result.

I wonder what leads these women or couples to share such an intimate moment. Would you do it?

There are those who spread the video on social networks sharing with a lot of people, many strangers, the result of the pregnancy test. They do it even before telling their family, friends and in some cases, even their own partner.

And the prudential waiting time to announce it? And the privacy of such an emotional moment? Is there an obsession to make private life public? It is certainly strange, but I also see many other things that people share through social networks strange.

Looking at it from another perspective, it is a very original way of announcing pregnancy. And it is certainly a very beautiful memory for the baby that will be born.

Above you can see a video that could be classified as the best exponent of the new trend Womb Tube. Obviously, the test result is positive. However, it is not so easy to watch videos with a negative result. The one you see below is one of the few that can be found.

We would like to know your opinion about the new phenomenon of share the result of the pregnancy test on video. Have you done it? Would you do it