What do mothers want? (III)

And I keep on, I keep wondering what do mothers want and if there are really formulas for society to respond to what they want, adapting to them and children.

If society responded to mothers wishes and extend this survey to parents, I am convinced that not only women, but also many men would prefer to work part-time, having time and energy to be with the people they love, taking care of their children, accompanying their day to day , educating them mainly, not only, as it happens now in many homes, arriving busted at eight to bathe and give dinner, read a story and little else during the week.

From now on, and without losing sight of the results of the World Mothers Movement survey, I already get into what I think could be a valid and fair model of society, that would respond to equal opportunities without discriminating against mothers or force them to give up being with their children.

I would love to know your opinions and if this model would be in which you consider that you could raise your children with more freedom and happiness.


I propose a new social model

It may seem like a utopia but I see it rather as the objective, the solution, the paradigm: a new social model that responds to what mothers want. Not a model that exalts as an example a mother who leaves her newborn child to continue her career but a model of freedom and real conciliation.

Let's dream: fathers and mothers who will work without giving up spending more time with their families, that is the new model. More rested, happier. Working hard at work hours, living near the job or doing telecommuting. Sharing the jobs, wealth, employment. Truly reconciling, not selling conciliation when it is quite the opposite what is proposed.

Being more productive and healthier, less stressed, more cheerful. Sharing responsibilities and work time at home, even if they do not do exactly the same things when there is a newborn and can adapt to each stage of their children. Making children feel less alone.

But the reality is different, that Spain does not rely on conciliation and its benefits although international organizations such as UNICEF demand more real and effective conciliation measures.

Despite this, it is well known that productivity does not increase with working hours, rather it decreases. It is also well known that a satisfied worker, with time and without having to be torn between the obligation or fear of losing his job and being with his family or caring for his sick child, performs more and feels more committed to his work. professional and your company, because you feel valued in all its aspects.

Our children would know in this way that their parents are by their side. That they can stay at home if they are bad. That there will always be someone available. That they can spend many hours with their parents, even if they go to school or nursery for a while, and that the afternoons will be a long time, in which to learn, play, walk and discover the world with the people who love them most.

Safe and healthy children. Happier people, richer in everything, not only materially, richer in life and humanity, in memories shared in their families and accompanied by them in their discovery of the world.

True wealth is biological.

Well, wealth true wealth is biological. Today I was reading to my son a book, "Dance of Mirrors", by Lois McMaster Bujold, and one of the characters says just that, believing himself dying, to his newly found son: "True wealth is biological."

True wealth is timeshare, love worked, communication: our children, our families, the future we build. Is that wealth should not be the goal of society?

If we add 26% of the mothers who would prefer to stay at home with their children and 63% who prefer a part-time position, we have left 89% of the mothers who would like to spend more time with their children and be their main caretakers throughout the day. Is it so weird, so absurd, so retrograde, so little feminist wanting to spend time making mothers of our children And not just two or three hours a day?

A society that responds to what mothers want

A society that responds to what mothers want, I don't know if it would be “feminist” to use, I prefer, to talk about a fair, free and equal society, it would be a society in which mothers and children were also heard, cared for, Recognized and cared for.

Is that what mothers want? We will see in the following topics that they want and how this social model could work.

Video: Did I Want Kids? MOM BOSS OF 3 (July 2024).