Any amulets during delivery?

A recent conversation talking about the most frequent unnecessary interventions in births has reminded me that, for my births, I wanted to carry a chain with a pendant that they gave me shortly before giving birth.

Jewelry, photos, ties, a special hairstyle, figures ... Sometimes it is not enough with people. Did you want to take some special object to childbirth, or have them close because they had some special meaning?

I have a friend who was not without forgetting a stamp, I do not remember if any saint or virgin, or a Mayan deity related to fertility, as would be the corresponding in Egyptian culture, the goddess Tueris. Precisely in ancient civilizations it was common for women to be accompanied by various amulets to give birth.

I don't know if I eat a kind of "amulet" or protection symbolThe truth is that I am quite skeptical about these issues, but since the pendant I am talking about was the image of a girl (two for my second birth), they became for me a kind of symbols of my daughters, who wanted me to they would remain in my chest and welcome them.

But on my first birth they asked me to take off "my amulet", could not wear jewelry. I had been told this before: for childbirth, and just in case it ends in caesarean section, better to go without jewelry, rings, or alliances, earrings ...

What do I say that it is not so complicated to remove them in the supposed case (which should not be so frequent) that the delivery ended in a surgical intervention such as caesarean section.

The point is that after giving birth the first time (which by the way, it ended up being caesarean section), I asked when I could the pendant of "my girl", that amulet that, if not in the chest, had been close.

I don't know if you or your partners decided wear some "amulet" during delivery, or if they let you go. But I think that in such a magical moment we get the "mystical vein" and we want any kind of protection, which will not be very supernatural, but that gives us some peace of mind in these moments that we usually face with fear and insecurity.

Photos | Golan and Wetcoral on Flickr In Babies and more | Who would you like to accompany you in childbirth ?, Caesarean sections a la carte so that the baby is born “with a good star”, The hairstyle of the Egyptian parturients

Video: Assassin's Creed Origins playthrough pt81 - Amulet Delivery Service (July 2024).