The question of the week: do you feel like children go back to school?

Every week we send you a question and we invite you to share your answers with us. In addition, you can vote on the responses of other parents and we, the following week, value all of the above. It is a way to stay closer to the readers, share all our thoughts and get an idea of ​​what can be the majority feeling.

Today, the question of the week, coming soon to school, we are going to ask about it:

Do you want children to go back to school?

For some parents, vacation time is wonderful, but it also has practical inconveniences, if they have to work. Others, surely, feel a great sorrow for not being able to continue enjoying all day with their children and return to the routine. There are even those who explain that they are overwhelmed with children at home at all hours. The possible answers sure are as many as our readers are.

Concern for the changes, relief for recovering the routine, pain for separating so many hours, illusion for the new course, a bit of melancholy for how quickly the summer has passed ...

One thing is clear, back to school leaves no one indifferent, except perhaps to those who are homeschoolers.

The question from the previous week

Last week our question was this: At what age did you take the diaper off your kids? and the response of María José Planelles is what our readers have most valued.

Every little one is a world. I have two. To Marco, who is now 7 years old, I removed the diaper with almost 3 years. It is from June and school started in September, so the previous April or May we got to the task. We had tried the previous summer, with 2 years, but it did not work. I was not ready. So we put the diapers back on. In contrast to the second attempt in less than a week he controlled the pee perfectly during the day and a week later we took it off at night because he got up with a dry diaper. The poop instead took a few more months to control. Poop was not made on the school, it was endured. But when he got home he didn't use the potty or the toilet. It took about 6 more months. Instead Carla turns two next month and has not used a diaper for about a month. Poop is never made on top of it, if it escapes it is usually when it is bad or when it does not wear clothes (In its little pool or in the bathtub). The pee escapes more times, but most of them when he is at home. He is playing and misleads. Instead we can be away from home all day long, you don't pee. This summer we drove 3000km during the holidays and never peed in the car. He asks and holds it until we can do it. It is a matter of maturation. Every child is ready in time.

Now we have published the new question of the week and to give your opinion and be valued by the other readers, you have to answer in the Answers section.

Video: People Apologize to Their Teachers (July 2024).