Summary of the week from November 16 to 22 in Peques y Más

When last week we explained how to make a homemade rain gauge for children to experience from home, we hardly imagined that the rains would arrive torrentially to our country, and that some areas such as the Valencian Community were going to exceed 200 liters per one of their municipalities square meter. Fortunately after heavy storms that have moved south, the water continued to fall peacefully for a few more days, a blessing.

More than ever we have wanted to Get into a small house and intensely share our family life, to watch movies together, read books, eat popcorn and watch the little ones as they browse through toy catalogs without deciding on any one in particular. It is a time of recollection and joy at the same time, to prepare the next Christmas parties and at the same time to enjoy every moment with our little ones. These days we have brought to our pages various issues related to childhood, some positive that 50% of students with Down syndrome graduate in Secondary Education, and others who have saddened us, as the news that increases the number of mental illnesses in children. We are happy with the proposal of Save the Children for the new Government to approve a Comprehensive Law on Measures against Child Violence, and we sincerely hope that the next leaders of the country will take this issue very seriously.

You already know that we are the blog that targets families with children from five to 12 years old, but we also feel very close to the little ones, their interests, their growth and their needs. That is why we wanted to remind you that children demand affection and attention, and we have given some ideas on how childhood memories are built.

Our readers know that we have been talking about toys, and it's been the turn of Playmobil's Secret Agents, the Lalaloopsy, the discounts offered by online stores, the Toy Forest, and the Lince board game by Educa Borrás. Now you have time to carefully choose Christmas gifts, and above all pay attention to details such as safety and quality. And speaking of playing, from our pages we take advantage of the celebration of World Children's Day, to remember that children feel less alone when we play with them.

In section leisure We have brought readings with the new edition of the Guinness book of records, upcoming movie releases such as Brave, and a selection of DVD / Blu-Ray movies, as an example of gift shopping.

There is always an opportunity to give good ideas that improve our families or domestic life, these days we have built a rain gauge (it is part of our series on autumnal themes) and we have stopped to think about the best healthy dinners for children who eat at school. And since the Christmas spirit has completely invaded us within a month of Christmas Eve, how about trying these cookies to decorate the tree?

Other varied topics continuously occupy our pages, and these days our readers have read about smartphones: children increasingly use them (and we must educate them to protect privacy) and moms find them useful for organizing. Changing the subject completely, we have known that according to social class, grandparents enjoy grandchildren or should take care of them for many hours, neglecting their own leisure.

And as sure that I leave many interesting things to know in Peques and More, I invite you to continue reading us from time to time. Until next week.