The ten worst toys of 2011

If a few days ago, and facing Christmas, we presented you with the new Guide of quality games and toys 2011, today we go to the opposite end to talk about the ten worst toys of 2011, those we would never want at home because of the serious risk of injury to children.

Do not think that these are "minority" or strange toys, as there are some manufactured by brands as well known as Bandai and distributed by toy stores such as Toys R Us or Amazon. I have verified how some of them can be purchased online.

This is a list prepared by WATCH (World Against Toys Causing Harm) ("The world against toys that cause harm"), an organization dedicated to denouncing, year after year, of the most dangerous toys.

  • Twist'n Sort: This block game is sold as capable of providing "years of fun in development" and stimulating fine motor skills and "problem-solving challenges". On October 20, 2011, some batches of these toys were recalled because they have small pegs that can be released, presenting a choking hazard for young children. After the issuance of the withdrawal, the toy is still marketed in some places with the same risk of suffocation.

  • Power Rangers Samurai Mega Blade: This rigid "mega sword" of the Power Rangers can cause serious facial or other impact injuries.

  • Fold & Go Trampoline: This trampoline sold in the hallway of toys for children from three years of age has many dangers associated with injuries. It is a team that cannot be sold as a recreational activity for young children.

  • Pulling Animal Duck: This wooden duck is sold as a drag toy for children from one year of age. The cable of the ducks presents a serious potential strangulation risk, since it does not comply with the standard safety measures.

  • School bus: These yellow miniature school buses present a high risk of suffocation, as it contains several small parts that can be detached.

  • Z-Curve Bow: This is a set of "long range" bow and arrows that can hurt children or nearby people.

  • Stilts Stepper "Low Rise": They are colored plastic platforms with a rope from which children can stretch to walk. The manufacturer does not provide any warning or caution, but it is a gadget in which it is easy to lose your balance and get injured.

  • Sword Fighting Jack Sparrow: The figure of Jack Sparrow is armed with his rigid "fighting sword", which is activated in a mechanical movement by pushing a lever. Warnings about the potential risk of impact lesions in the eyes or elsewhere are not provided.

  • The incredible Shrinky Dinks Maker: This oven uses the standard 120 volt current and becomes a "heating chamber" with a 60-watt bulb. The oven can be dangerous and has a long list of warnings and precautions of the toy itself (electric shocks) and the packaging. A product with so many associated risks does not lend itself to use in a home environment with children.

  • "Gigan" Godzilla Figure: This great figure of Godzilla has rigid fins and wings, pointed, as well as the rigid dagger attached to the arms, very dangerous plastic protrusions with risk of causing perforation and impact injuries.

Apart from these "jewels" we remind you of the 10 most dangerous toys of 2010 according to WATCH. Of course, any of these would serve as an answer to the question we ask you these days: What toy would you never give to your children?

It is necessary to be attentive to the recommendations of safety of the toys, to the age of recommendation, to its homologation… and still certain that some of the ten worst toys of 2011 It sneaks into a house ... I don't understand how they may still be circulating in the market.

Official Site | WATCH In Babies and more | Safety recommendations for toys, The European Commission proposes stricter rules for toys, Criteria for selecting a suitable toy

Video: 2011's 10 Worst Toys (July 2024).