Can pregnant women prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin?

One of the things that all women are clear when they see that they are pregnant is that their body will change a lot, that the weight will increase (although there are overweight women who lose weight) and that their abdomen is going to dilate a lot .

This increase in abdomen size makes the skin must also give way, at the risk of stretch marks, which are red marks (eventually turn white) for which no one has just decided which preventive remedy is better.

The reason is that there are few studies done in this regard and the few that have been done fail to show that any of the many anti-stretch products is better than any moisturizer.

With this we do not respond if you can prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, but we will try to give more information about it.

The important thing is to have hydrated skin

Today, as I say, there are no studies that say that an essential oil is better than a specific cream, or that the cream of the "X" brand is better than that of the "Y" brand. What is known is that, when it comes to preventing stretch marks, the most important thing is to have hydrated skin.

My lady wife's gynecologist always says the same thing: “It doesn't matter what cream you wear. If you want to wear the level of the blue jar of a lifetime, which is cheap. The important thing is that you wear it, that you be constant. ”

I do not say that the recommendation has to be universal because it was given by my woman's gynecologist, but the reality is that what she says coincides with what dermatology experts say: today, any product that manages to hydrate the skin is good.

Why stretch marks appear

I will not extend too much because not long ago we talked about stretch marks, but I comment to refresh the subject a bit. Stretch marks appear because there is a break in the elastic fibers of the skin, which is derived from the slow growth of the skin with respect to other parts of the body, that is, the uterus and other parts of the body grow faster than the skin, which does not have time to make the adaptation to the new volume, and ends up "tearing".

In addition to the speed with which the uterus grows (the faster, the more likely it is that stretch marks occur), the type of skin of each woman and inheritance can be a risk factor (if she herself had stretch marks in adolescence , or if in the family there have been cases of stretch marks in pregnancy, the chances of them appearing are higher).

When to start using anti-stretch marks?

Either an anti-stretch mark or a moisturizer (I say, it may be that the anti-stretch marks or rosehip oil work better than the moisturizer, but to date it has not been proven), the ideal is start using it as soon as the belly starts to grow, which usually happens after the third month of gestation.

Anyway, if a woman prefers to start doing it sooner, as soon as she knows she is pregnant, in order to take a routine of cream in the morning and cream at night, it is also fine (more skin hydrate will have).

This hydration will be the one that will help prevent stretch marks, although obviously there will always be cases in which no matter how much the skin is hydrated or however constant it is, the stretch marks will appear equally.

So you know, more important than the "what" is the "how". It is more important to apply cream constantly, whatever it is, than to use a cream or oil more expensive and intended for it, but using it only on the days we remember it. Maybe in a few months or years someone will do more studies about it and conclude that this or which cream is the one that best prevents stretch marks. To date, nobody can say that "my cream is better than a moisturizer."

Video: 12 Pregnancy Hacks No Stretch Marks, No Acne!!! GIVEAWAY (July 2024).