Thermometer to take the fever on the iPhone

An accessory that will interest dads and moms iphoneros is a thermometer to take the fever on the iPhone, which allows to take the temperature of the child in any place where we are.

Is called Medisana ThermoDock And it works with infrared, without needing to be in contact with the skin.

It is placed 5 centimeters from the center of the forehead, the monitor is touched and after a few seconds it emits a sound that indicates that the reading has been completed and the result appears. If the temperature exceeds 37.5 ° C a visual alarm is displayed.

The difference with other thermometers is that it has extra applications such as that you can add comments about the general condition of the child or save different profiles if you have more than one child.

Of course, it is much more expensive than a digital thermometer that we can always carry in your bag, it costs 79.95 euros. But if we compare it with other infrared thermometers for use in pediatrics, which cost from 40 or 50 euros, the difference is not so abysmal.

For children it is a very comfortable measuring system because it can be used even when they are sleeping and it is very fast.

ThermoDock It also serves to take the temperatures of the surface of the environment, of solid and liquid elements.

Video: How To Check body Temperature using Android HINDI फन स बखर चक कर (May 2024).