Dads and moms blogs (CXXXVII)

Last Tuesday of September, time to take a trip through the blogosphere where mothers and fathers share their experiences, stories or advice, among many other things, and bring you a summary of those moms and dads blogs that have attracted our attention to share with you all.

We start with MamaCachorro and his blog When the pack sleeps, where we find several surprises that have happened during these last days. Although I think the surprise was taken by other people when asked about the baby seats ...

In Crumbling We can read a topic related to going back to school and about the extracurricular activities of our children. And, apparently, tube classes are now also taught instead of traditional ballet or rhythmic gymnastics classes. What do you think of this new activity?

Following our tour of the blogosphere, we find Diary of a Peanut where its author, Miri, makes us a quick guide on parenting with attachment and natural very interesting. And, there are still many people who do not just understand what is breeding with attachment or natural parenting.

In Educating four We can read how Elena, her author, lived a rebellion of wildlife. And, when the animal kingdom decides to make an appearance, sometimes it is not as idyllic as they often make us believe ...

Finally in The nameless girl We can read a story to not sleep. It does not refer to a horror story, but to the moment in which, after 285 days sleeping with her mother, today the little NSN spends her first night in her room.

For this week we conclude our review of some moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. Next week we will be loaded with new stories. In addition, if you have a blog about maternity or paternity, we invite you to leave the address of the blog in the comments of this post and we will visit you delighted.

Video: El Barco - El mordisco - ANTENA 3 TV (July 2024).